oration contest
The Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest
Grades 9-12
The Rumbaugh Oration Contest is open to all public, private, parochial, and home-school high school students. Students must write an original oration of not less than five minutes or more than six minutes. (The student must present their oration to an audience without the use of notes or props.) The oration’s subject shall be an event, a personality, or a document pertaining to the Revolutionary War with an emphasis on our nation’s 250th anniversary. Judging will be based on composition, delivery, significance, historical accuracy, and relevance to our 250th anniversary. Preliminary rounds begin at the Chapter level with winning entries advancing to the State Society and National levels where SAR awards scholarships and cash prizes. More information on the contest can be found under Resources below.
As recognized by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the contest is designed to perpetuate the stories of patriotism, courage, tragedy and triumph of the men and women who achieved the independence of the American people. These stories are universal ones of man’s eternal struggle against tyranny, relevant to all time, and will inspire and strengthen each generation as it is called upon to defend our freedoms on the battlefield and in our public institutions.
As recognized by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the contest is designed to perpetuate the stories of patriotism, courage, tragedy and triumph of the men and women who achieved the independence of the American people. These stories are universal ones of man’s eternal struggle against tyranny, relevant to all time, and will inspire and strengthen each generation as it is called upon to defend our freedoms on the battlefield and in our public institutions.
Entry Deadline: Chapters are advised to finalize their contests and submit their first place entries to the state chair by March 1, 2025. State judging will commence on March 15, 2025 after which no additional chapter entries can be accepted. Chapters are advised that the oration video should be taken in a proper stage setting with as little background noise as possible for best consideration.
Contact: Your nearest Local Chapter to get started!
Determined by each chapter. This may include cash, a medal, and/or a certificate.
1st Place $1,0002nd Place $5003rd Place: $250
- 1st Place: $8,000
- 2nd Place: $5,000
- 3rd Place: $3,000
- 4th Place: $500
- 5th Place: $500
- 6th Place: $500
- All other state entries: $200
Rumbaugh Oration Contest National Finals 2023

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