As descendants of America’s very First Veterans, we are eternally grateful for the sacrifices our veterans have made throughout our history to secure the freedoms we all enjoy today.
The Washington Society of the Sons of the American Revolution honors our veterans by recognizing and awarding medals to members for their service, attend Veteran Day parades & events, participate in veteran funerals, and memorialize our veterans.
The Washington Society of the Sons of the American Revolution honors our veterans by recognizing and awarding medals to members for their service, attend Veteran Day parades & events, participate in veteran funerals, and memorialize our veterans.
veteran recognition
We recognize members who served in the U.S. Armed Forces or other military forces allied with the United States. Members of the society have answered their country's call in every major American conflict from the battle of Lexington & Concord on April 19, 1775 to the present day. Several of our members have received our nation's highest award — the Medal of Honor.
We currently have eight veteran corps:
- Spanish – American War Veterans Corps
- World War I Veterans Corps
- World War II Veterans Corps
- Korean Service Veterans Corps
- Vietnam War Veterans Corps
- Special Ops Veterans Corps
- Southwest Asia (Middle East/Afghanistan) Veterans Corps
- Military Service Veterans Corps

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WASSAR member John "Bud" Hawk, Medal of Honor recipient, World War II.
Newly inducted Compatriot Bud Hawk receiving the SAR War Service Medal on 22 August, 2013.
War Service Medal
Military Service Medal
The SAR has two medals that may be given in conjunction with military service: the War Service Medal and the Military Service Medal. The certificate accompanying the War Service Medal states that the member has been awarded the War Service Medal in grateful recognition for service in the Armed Forces during an armed conflict. The certificate accompanying the Military Service Medal states that the member has been awarded the Military Service Medal in grateful recognition for service in the United States Armed Forces.
Members of the WASSAR Color Guard represent the Sons of the American Revolutions by participating in Veterans Day parades throughout Washington State.
Wreaths Across America
Each year in December, SAR members throughout the State of Washington volunteer partners with Wreaths Across America to remember the fallen, honor those who serve, and teach the next generation the value of freedom.
SAR members collect and donate needed personal care items (shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.) throughout the year to veterans living in Washington Veteran Homes such as the one in Port Orchard.